
American Theatre - Henry Fonda "Point of No Return"


Stock #:139369
Type: Postcard
City: St. Louis
State: Missouri (MO)
County: St. Louis (city)
Postmark: 1953 Jan-30
Postmark City: Saint Louis
Postmark State: Mo
Stamp: 2C
Size: 3.25" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr. Herbert C. Crocker
416 Hillsboro Avenue
Edwardsville, IL

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2 wks! Mon. Feb. 23 thru Sat. Mar. 7 (No Sunday performances during this Engagement) 12 nights, Matinees ? Wed. 1:30, Sat. 2:30 ? Both Weeks 7th Play, theatre Guild ? A. T. s. Subscription Series. Leland Hayward presents Henry Fonda in Point of No Return a New play by Paul Osborn Based on the Novel by John P. Marquand with Leora Dana ? Frank Conroy Paul Huber ? Colin Keith- Johnston ? Robert Ross Patricia Smith ? Phil Arthur.

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