Old Tennent was formed into a church about 1692, presumably for the most part by Scotch Covenanters. Its first building was the Scots' Meeting House, and stood in what is now known as Old Scot's Cemetery, near Wickatunk, N.J. In 1731 the congregation built a church five miles to the south of Scots, on White (oak) Hill, in what is now called Tennent; and in 1751 the church was rebuilt and enlarged to its present size and style, and stands in fine repair to-day. It was the Scots Church at the first, then for over one hundred years it was known as the Freehold Church, and now since 1859 it has been known as the “Old Tennent Church.” Its present corporate name is “The First Presbyterian Church of the County of Monmouth.” The first pastor was Rev. John Boyd, who was the first minister to be ordained, 1706, by a Presbytery in the United States, about which fact there is any authentic record. Old Tennent has had fifteen pastors, the most famous of whom was Rev. Wm. Tennent, Jr., who experienced a remarkable trance in his-student days, the story of which is fully recounted in the book entitled “Log College.” The first elder was Walter Ker. The Royal Charter of incorporation was granted to Old Tennent in connection with the Presbyterian churches of Allentown, Shrewsbury, and possibly Cranbury, by King George the Second and endorsed by Jonathan Belcher, the trusty and well-beloved governor of the province of New Jersey, February 21, 1749. A handsome fac-simile of this charter now hangs to view on the interior walls of Old Tennent. Near by the church the famous battle of Monmouth was fought on Sunday, June 28, 1778, between Generals Washington and Clinton. The stains of blood from a dying American soldier may still be seen on one of the seats of the church. A cemetery with now more than two thousand graves surrounds the church edifice. Records with long lists of names and family connections are being put into shape as interesting and valuable helps to ancestral students and geneologists. Sunday School Services In Old Tennent Church Every Lord's Day 9:30 A.M. Congregational Worship And Preaching Every Lord's Day 10:30 A.M. |