Upgrade To Evian Win Use Of A Private Jet

Original Vintage Card
 Price: $4.95

Stock #:143663
Type: Postcard
Era: Continental Chrome
Publisher: Danone Waters Of North America Inc.
Size: 4.25" x 6" (11 x 15.25 cm)

Comments & Reviews
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Evian Jetiquette: when serving sorbet on your private jet, ask your captain to lower the cabin temperature. evian.com Loriginal Please brush up on your “Jetiquette” in case you win. Under each specially marked label of evian is a chace for you to win the use of a private jet*. We'll also give you US$10,000, but don't spend it all in one place. You have the whole world to conquer. Look under the specially marked label for your code and enter it at evian.com to see if you've won. *Up to US$50,000. No purchase necessary internet access & valid Email account necesssary to participate. For free code send SASE to Po Box 6628. Saddle Brook. NJ 07663 for receipt by 9/22/01 (VT & Canada residents omit return postage.) Must be US/Canada resident 15 or older. Limit one request per stamped envelope. Subject to Official Rules on www.evian.com. Game ends 9/15/01. Code must be received by 9/30/01.

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