Hudson Trading With Indians On Manhattan Island


Stock #:146367
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Publisher: Raphael Tuck & Sons
Postmark: 1909 Aug-19
Postmark City: Flushing
Postmark State: N. Y
Stamp: 1C
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Miss Arietta Noble
96 Fenn St.
Pittsfield, MA
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Hudson Trading with the Indians on Manhattan Island. Henry Hudson, on his voyage of discovery up the North River in 1609, disembarked at different places on Manhattan Island to explore the surrounding country. The native Indians made friendly overtures and began to trade with Hudson, who found it an easy task to obtain valuable furs in exchange for a few paltry trinkets.

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