Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis) Wedges of Geese passing overhead are as symbolic of spring as the first Robins, The musical "honking" of the V-shaped flocks is a very exciting sound. These black-necked, white-cheeked fellows are far from being the "silly Geese" that their barnyard brethren are. they would not survive long in the wold, if they were not quite intelligent. Although some Canada Geese nest in parts of the United States, most of them pass the sumer in Canada - some as far north as the Arctic circle. The nestis placed on a high spot of ground, or on a little island. Five to nine bufy-white eggs are laid on a bedding of down. The newly hatched Goslings are buffy yellow. Several races of canada Geese are recognized - one, the Cackling Goose, which spends the winter in California, is lamost as small as a Mallard Duck. |