Sample Chromo Reward Card, size, 3×5.
50 different designs.
Price, 12 cards, 15 cents; 100, $1.05. Postpaid by mail.
All Chromo Cards of this size and price furnished in 50 different assorted
designs so that no two are alike, if desired. Order chromo cards in our new
assorted designs if you wish a large variety. Our new assorted chromo cards
contain all the new designs we produce up to the date orders are received.
All our chromo cards are pretty and attractive new artistic designs and
are suitable for rewards, gifts, souvenirs, etc. They will give satisfaction.
Chromo Lithographed Pictures.
These Embossed Chromo Lithographed Pictures are cut out just the shape
of all the pictures they represent, and are the grandest and most elegant
production known to the chromo-lithographic art, including the following
different designs: Flowers, Fruits, Scenes, Vases, Florals, Crescents, Scrolls,
Palettes, Children, Youthful Amusements, Butterflies, Buildings, Cottages,
Chariots, Vehicles, Swans, and many more beautiful designs are included.
Prices per dozen: size 2x2 inches, 6 cents; 3x4 inches, 10 cents; 3x5 inches,
15 cents; 4x6 inches, 25 cents; 5x7 inches, 40 cents; 7x9 inches, 60 cents.
Prices per dozen, mounted on Ornamented Card-Board Mounts: Size 4x5%
inches, 20 cents; 52x72 inches, 35 cents; 7x9 inches, 50cts; 9x11 in., 75cts.