Greetings From Kensington

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $4.95
Original Price: $6.95

Stock #:157326
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Kensington
Country: Canada
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Series 9821R-A
The Heart of the prince Edward Island Tourist Industry. A miniature map of Prince Edward Island showing Kensington the heart of the Prince Edward Island Tourist Industry. Love Kensington Recreatiional Centre and Travel Bureau. 45 minutes from charlottetown. 15 minutes from summerside. 10 minutes from Woodleigh Replicas and Burlington Pottery. 15 minutes from National Park, Rainbow Valley and Green Gables. 10 minutes from Lucy Maude Montgomery birthpalce. 15 minutes from Ye Olde Mill Museum and Anne's House of Dreams. 5 minutes from the old Carriage Factory Museum. the Kensington Area is within easy reach of all ferries, shopping, handcrft and gift shops, motels, housekeeping cottages, house keeping trailer homes and housekeeping units. camp grounds with camping and trailer parks, farm tourist homes, guest homes and housekeeping units, restaurants, grocery stores and pharmacies, churches, service stations, social clubs, service clubs and banking facilities. Brochure Available from Kensington and Area Tourist Association.

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