Mr.Johnt Innanhs.
47134. Die Street
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Los Angeles, Calif.
Los Angeles, or to give the sonorous Spanish title "Nonstra
Senora la Reina de los Angeles" (Our Lady the Queen of the
Angels), is indeed the wonder city of the United States
A small Spanish settlement founded in 1781, and for the first
century had slow growth, being a pueblo of but a few hundred
inhabitants F
From this modest beginning Los Angeles increased
to 1.500 in 1847, and has developed into the largest city on the
Pacific Coast and fifth in population in the United State
Los Angeles and vicinity is renowned the world over for its
balmy climate, but after all is said. the chief attractions are its
beautiful homes, the rare beauty of the grounds and endless palm
and flower-bordered drives.
Los Angeles is the center of a vast and fertile region which
has received intensive developement, a large share of its prosperity
having been derived from the citrus industry, and in addition to
this. has in late years become a large manufacturing center.
Los Angeles Harbor (San Pedro) distributes more lumber
than any port in the world, and here is found mammoth ware-
houses, factories, ship building plants and numerous fish canneries.
and is also the base for the Pacific Fleet.
The city
is centrally located in a wondrous scenic region-
famous highways lead in all directions-mountain resorts and
canyons fragrant with wild flowen: Pasadena with its beautiful
homes, velvety lawns and gardens of semi-tropical growth: Holly-
wood, the home of the motion picture industry: through the
heart of the orange belt to Riverside, Redlands and San Bernardino:
the leading seaside resorts. Venice of America. Long Beach, Santa
Monica. Redondo: a delightful steamer ride to the magic isle.
Catalina Island. These, with dozens of other vistas, lure the
tourists from all parts of the world.
The metropolis of Southern California is built on the sea-
ward slope of the Sierra Madre (Mountains), which rise to a
bright of 10.000 feet.
Due to the mild climate, almost any day during the winter
you may enjoy a plunge in the Pacific in the morning, and within
two hours gather oranges and roses, and another two hours be
midst the snow in the mountains nearby.
It is here that nature, in a most gracious mood, parceled to-
gether the choicest of her handiwork that appeals to humans, and
made Los Angeles and vicinity the favorite all-year-round play-
ground of the nation.
We Publishing & Ny Las Angles, Cal