
Blue Valley Creamery Co.,, 700-704 S. Clinton St.


Stock #:162447
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Chicago
State: Illinois (IL)
County: Cook
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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"A Study in Nature." The Best interests of mankind - socially - morally intellectually - financially - are inseparably linked with the dairy cow. She is not only indispensable to a community striving for a better and a higher agriculture, but she stands ready to assume her role of "foster mother of the human race" whenever called upon. the beautiful sentiment expressed in the sculptural design entitled "A Study in Nature," finds a quick response in the breast of every one who understands and appreciates the cow. Mr. Gilbert P. Riswold, of Chicago, one of the nation's best sculptors, designed and executed this wonderful work especially for the National dairy show exhibit of the blue Valley Creamery co., in Springfield, Mass., October 12th to 21st, 1916. The group consisting of the woman and the Child and the cow and calf, were made of Blue Valley pasteurized Butter. It is the most beautiful and elaborate sculptural display in butter ever made. Send these to your friends.

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