Post Office, Washington, D. C.
The Post Office Dept. at Washington is the
largest single governmental establishment in
the world. Some idea of the immensity of
its business may be gleaned from the fact
that its distribution of stamps, stamped en-
velopes, newspaper wrappers and postal cards
to Post Offices throughout the country is up-
ward of eleven billion pieces annually, and
that it costs half a million dollars a year
to keep its mail bag department in proper
condition. More than half of all the em-
ployees of the Government are at work under
the direction of the Postmaster General,
whose office is in the building pictured.
Herein is also the Dead Letter Office, to
which is annually returned about 20,000,000
pieces of undeliverable mail and Post Cards,
62 per cent of which are returned to sender
or forwarded to addressee.
Published by W. B. Garrison, Inc., Washington, D. C.
Plate 1505