Ezra Meeker Backskin Suit with Gun


Stock #:191272
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Size: 3.5" x 5.75" (9 x 15 cm)

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Series A. Oregon Trail Monument Expedition Illustrated. Series B. - Indian Chiefs of the Northwest,etc. Series C. Monument expedition with Map: Colored. Series D. Sights from the Ox Wagon; Colored. Each series contains 16 post card views with Historical Sketches on reverse side,Postpaid,25 cents each. Address,Ezra Meeker,Room 1214,35 Nassau St.,N. Y. The Ezra Meeker Historical Post cards for schools,Libraries,the home,and collectors. This typical suit shown in the illustration was quite common in the early fifties on the northwest coast,but has long since been discarded under the changed conditions of life in that region. The abundance of game,coupled with the incentive to procure food and the love of adventure,gave an abundant supply of the buckskin both for clothing of the body and for the moccasin foot-wear,so common in pioneer days. Difficulty was often experienced by the pioneers in getting cloth for raiment,and frequently the buckskin took the place of the home-spun or the moe conventional "Store goods."

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