aran Brooks
Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 2 Black Duck
Length 22 inches
This species, though called the Black Duck, is
not in reality black, but it so closely resembles the
dusky female of its near relative, the Mallard,
that it is sometimes called Black Mallard. The
Black Duck not only resembles the female Mal-
lard in appearance, but also in its habits is much
akin to its green-headed cousin. This Duck, how-
ever, is said to be one of the wildest and wariest
of all the "Wild Ducks." It soon learns to keep
well beyond gunshot, and, if too persistently
hunted, will fly out to sea, where it passes the day,
returning at night to its favorite haunts. It is
very alert and active at all times, and has extraor-
dinary powers of flight, even for a Duck.
The nest is on the ground in grass or brush,
often far from water. It lays from six to twelve
creamy or buff-colored eggs.
Classification: Order Anseres. Family Anatida.
Scientific Name: Anas rubripes.
Range: Throughout eastern North America, but far
more abundant in the Eastern States and New England.
It breeds from central Canada south to Wisconsin and
Maryland, and winters south to the Gulf.
No. 2 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United
States. Published by the National Association of Audubon So-
cieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box,
$1.00 post paid.