SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (adult and young)
Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
The wild birds of field and forest 'know it well
mice; 5, inseca.
KAVGJOM'shrews, frogs, lizards
No. 11 Sharped-shinned Hawk
Length, Male, 1512 inches
The names “Chicken Hawk” and “Hen Hawk,"
which are so generally misapplied, might, with
greater propriety, be used for this species. It is
one of the most destructive of Hawks, and, to-
gether with the Cooper's Hawk, is sometimes
called “Blue Darter.” This name is very descrip-
tive of the hunting habits of this active, courage-
ous and persistent little Hawk, for it darts with
great swiftness, from out a place of concealment
in thick foliage, into a poultry
strikes its quarry and is
of die the
keeper has any chance to
and fear it. It is even
cafrable bb overtaking and
catching a Boh-WHite m fuD Hight. It feeds, to
some extent, hower
and insects. PL stomachs examined, 6 con-
tained poulthy
birds ; 99, other birds; 6,
The nest is in trees from fifteen to forty feet
from the ground. There are from three to five
pale white, greenish or bluish-white eggs, heavily
spotted and marked with chocolate and shades of
Classification: Order Raptores. Family Buteonida.
Scientific name: Accipiter velox.
Range: Breeds throughout all temperate and sub-artic
North America, and winters from British Columbia
and the northern tier of states southward to Panama.
No. 11 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United
States. Published by the National Association of Audubon So-
cieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box,
$1.00 post paid.