Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 15 Long-eared Owl
Length 1472 inches
This species, with its conspicuous ear-tufts and
striking plumage of black and white and buff, is
one of our most beautiful Owls. Moreover, its
unusual facial disk lends an added charm to its
generally attractiv eappearance. Like the Screech
Owl, it is strictly nocturnal in its habits, and usu-
ally spends its days in thick evergreen woods or
in dense swamps.
The Long-eared Owl is a highly useful
ber of its family, for it destroys large nuno CEST
mice and other injurious rodents, çaldan ca
birds. It preys also upon moles and
view of these facts, this Oyal spoul the spared
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ined, 1 contained a game birds
mice; 5, other mammals
empty.” (Fisher.)
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Its nest is usually ced in an old Hawk's,
Crow's, or Squirrel's nest and from three to six
white eggs are laid. While the female is sitting on
the nest, the male is usually close by, either on the
edge beside her or on a limb near at hand.
Classification: Order Raptores. Family Strigida.
Scientific name: Asio wilsonianus.
Range: The whole of temperate North America south-
ward to the tablelands of Mexico.
No. 15 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United
States. Published by the National Association of Audubon So-
cieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box,
$1.00 post paid.