
Great Horned Owl


Stock #:201746
Type: Postcard
Publisher: National Association Of Audubon Societies
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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No. 18 Great Horned Owl Length 22 inches This Owl, conspicuous from its ear-tufts, which are nearly two inches long, as well as from its large size and mottled appearance, is found in the more heavily wooded and wilder regions of our country. Often on still winter nights its monotonous whoo-hoo-hoo-hooo may be heard a mile or two away. It is a powerful, skillful hunter, and frequently causes great losses through its night ... on some favorite poultry yard. It is also, now and then, very destructive to both game and song birds, although situations have arisen where it has been almost wholly beneficial.. as in portions of the West where the rabbit has become a pest, or in regions where rats are unusually destructive. "Of 127 stomachs examined, 31 contained poulry or game birds; 8, other birds; 13, mice; 65, other mammals; 1, scorpion; 1, fish; 10 , insects; and 17 were empty." The nest of the Great Horned Owl is usually well up in a tree, generally in the old nest of a Squirrel, Crow or Hawk. Tho or thre white eggs are laid. Classification: Order Raptores. Family Strigidae Scientific name: Bubo virginianus Range: In its varying forms over most of the United States and Canada and southward to Patagonia. No. 18 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United States. PUblished by the National Association of Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box, $1.00 post paid

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