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Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 28 White-throated Sparrow
Length 634 inches
The White-throated Sparrow, while perhaps not
so widely known as the Song Sparrow, is a gen-
eral favorite of bird-lovers. Its silvery, flute-like
notes may be heard in sheltered ravines on warm
September days, when, as a migrant, it journeys
southward to its winter home. It isca very so-
ciable bird, and is found in flocks of waging size.
It often occurs in company with other, Sparrows
and with Juncos and Towhees. It is solelom found
far from the ground, and loves briary patches and
dense thickets on the borders of waddlands. Here
it feeds, spending much time hopping and scratch-
ing among the dead leaves opweed seeds and
other food. It also feeds upon berries and other
small fruits.
The White-throat is highk regarded in Canada
and New England, where is often called “Pea-
body Bird,” from the supposed resemblance of its
song to the syllables of this name. During migra-
tion its presence is made known by the sharp
metallic clink which rises up in the dusk from the
thickets and briar patches which are its roosting-
The nest of the White-throat is on the ground,
or in bushes, and contains four or five bli.ish-
white eggs thickly speckled with brown.
Classification: Order Passeres. Family Fringillide.
Scientific name: Zonotrichia albicollis.
Range: Eastern North America; breeds from the re-
gion of the Great Lakes and New England and north-
ward; winters southward to the Gulf States.
No. 28 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United
States. Published by the National Association of Audubon So-
cieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box,
$1.00 post paid.