REDPOLL (male and female)
Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 30 Redpoll
Length 5/4 inches
The little Redpoll is an irregular winter visitor
to the more northerly portions of the United
States. Sometimes it comes in flocks when driven
southward by unusual cold or lack of food. It
closely resembles the Goldfinch in its general hab-
its. The nest is in a low tree or grass tuft, and is
of moss and grass lined with hair, feathers or
other soft material. The eggs are from four to
six, white, tinged with bluish-green and spotted
with reddish-brown.
Classification: Order Passeres. Family Fringillide.
Scientific name: Acanthus linaria.
Range: Breeds in extreme northern portions of North
America, and winters south to northern United States.
No. 30a Pine Siskin
Length 5 inches
Like the Redpoll, the Pine Siskin is one of
those widely distributed birds whose movements
depend, to a great extent, Supon the weather and
the food supply. Sonre years it is absent from
much of the region south of its breeding range,
again it is abundant. The nest is in coniferous
trees, and is made of rootlets and grasses lined
with pine needles and hair. The eggs are from
three to four, greenish-white and speckled with
Classification: Order Passeres. Family Fringillide.
Scientific Name: Spinus pinus.
Range: Throughout North America, breeding north-
ward from northern boundary of United States and
southward in mountain ranges. Winters throughout
United States.
Nos. 30 and 30a from set of 50 Winter Birds of the North-
eastern United States. Published by the National Association
of Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City.
per set, in a box, $1.00 post paid.