Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 43 Winter Wren
Length 4 inches
This little feathered sprite of the woodlands is
the despair of those who would make intimate
studies of bird-life. It is very small and secretive,
and, with its cinnamon-brown upper parts, is dif-
ficult to find and follow. The absurdly short tail
and small size of this Wren make it easy to iden-
tify at all times. Its favorite haunts are brush-
heaps, about which it creeps and flits with furtive
grace of motion. The roots of upturned trees,
mossy logs, the banks of brooks where the water
has hollowed out little caves and grottoes, are also
much frequented by it. In all such places it finds
a welcome retreat. Here it secures the tidbits
which go to make up its diet, and also finds pro-
tection from enemies.
The song of the Winter Wren is described as
one of rare beauty, “full of trills, runs, and grace
notes," and, as for volume, being altogether out
of proportion to the size of the bird.
The nest is in brush-heaps, hollow stumps and
other similar situations, and consists of grass and
weeds lined with feathers. From five to seven
eggs are laid. These are white, sparsely speckled
with reddish-brown.
Classification: Order Passeres. Family Troglodytide.
Scientific name: Nannus hiemalis.
Range: Throughout eastern North America, breeding
from northern tier of states northward to central Canada.
No. 43 from set of 50 Winter Birds of the Northeastern United
States. Published by the National Association of Audubon So-
cieties, 1974 Broadway, New York City. Price per set, in a box,
$1.00 post paid.