GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET (male and female)
RUBY-CR OWNED KINGLET (male and female)
Published by the National Association of Audubon Societies
No. 48 Golden-crowned Kinglet
Length 4 inches
The Golden-crowned Kinglet is a common win-
ter visitant throughout most of the United States.
It comes in mid-autumn and may be seen flitting
about the outer surface of trees and bushes. Now
and then the gold and orange crown of this di-
minutive king may be seen as herhangs from some
terminal twig. The nest is lof Soft, green mosses
and feathers, suspended from twigs in coniferous
trees. The eggs are front six to nine, creamy
white and thickly speckled with brown.
Classification: Order lass Des Family Sylviide.
Scientific name: Regulkan perapa.
Range: Breeds from northern- United States north-
ward into Canada, and in mountains of United Sta
Winters from Northern Statesuito the Gulf States.
No. 48a Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Length inches
This species very closely resembles the Golden-
crown. The male Ruby #rown, however, has a
partially concealed crest 4 wiform red, and the
female is without any crow patch. The nest of
the Ruby-crown is very like that of its relative.
The eggs are similar, but not so thickly speckled.
Classification: Order Passeres. Family Sylviida.
Scientific name: Regulus calendula.
Range: Breeds from Northern States northward to
Ungava and Alaska, also southward in mountain ranges
of United States. Winters from central United States to
Gulf of Mexico.
Nos. 48 and 48a from set of 50 Winter Birds of the North-
eastern United States. Published by the National Association
of Audubon Societies, 1974 Broadway, New York City.
per set, in a box, $1.00 post paid.