
Ideal Motel and Restaurant


Stock #:202142
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Berlin
State: Connecticut (CT)
County: Hartford
Publisher: Joseph S. Koch
Postmark: 1958 May-21
Postmark City: Las Vegas
Postmark State: NV
Stamp: 2c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:MRS Margaret McKelvey
c/o Chelsea Home
Chelsea, MI
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Rtes. 5-15 Wilbur Cross Parkway, Berlin, Conn. Accommodations for 110 people. Private, Modern Tile Baths, Hot Water Heat - Radio and Television. 6 miles South of Hartford. Open Year Round. Phone: Newington (Motel) 6-9071; (Restaurant) 6-9070

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