Foot-So-Port Shoes, If you care for your feet


Stock #:202419
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Huntington Park
State: California (CA)
County: Los Angeles
Postmark: 1954 Apr-2
Postmark City: Huntington Park
Postmark State: CA
Stamp: 2c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mr H. C. Marmuryton
6609. Broady St
Los Angeles, CA

Comments & Reviews
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New styling in Foot-So-Port shoes so that you may enjoy the same luxurious comfort in finest detailing and quality leathers. Every pair of Foot-So-Port Shoes is built to exacting standards - patented features of construction for proper support, insulated Feelgood innersoles which will never crack, special graded lasts which give perfect fitting atheel and ankle with proper amount of room for your toes to relax. Feet that feel good will take you anywhere. Foot-So-Port Shoes - if you care for your feet Davidson's Health Spot Shoe Store; 2630 Zoe Avenue; Huntington Park, California

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