Palace of the Governors

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $4.95
Original Price: $5.95

Stock #:205497
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Santa Fe
State: New Mexico (NM)
County: Santa Fe
Publisher: Southwest Arts & Crafts
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Palace of the governors Erected 1605 A. D. Santa Fe, New Mexico Reconstructed from an ancient Indian Pueblo building in 1605, antedating New Amsterdam, Jamestown and Plymouth. For over three centuries, it was used as an executive building by the Spanish, Indian, Mexican and American rulers of New Mexico. It is now used as a museum. In 1680 the last of the Spanish settlers were besieged in this building by the rebellious Pueblo Indians, finally fighting their way out, and escaping into Mexico. In 1692, General DeVargas reconquered the territory and before the final battle which resulted in the capture of Santa Fe, he vowed to build a chapel in honor of the Virgin and that every year a "Novena" should be held in her honor. The scene here shows the self-same statue of "Our Lady of Victory" which, according to tradition DeVargas had with him, at the end of a great procession, being borne by a group of maidens from the Cathedral to the Chapel which DeVargas built according to his vow

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