Henrici's Low Calorie Diet
Additional Details:
Tear Drop .06 Sparkling Water .02 Citrate .04 Quinac .02 (Thimbles) LOW CALORIE DIET MONDAY Breakfast: Weak Tea Lunch: One Bouillon Cube in One-half Cup Diluted Water Dinner: One Pigeon Thigh; Three Ounces Prune Juice (gargle only) TUESDAY Breakfast: Scraped Crumbs from Burnt Toast Lunch: One Doughnut Hole (without sugar), One Glass of Dehydrated Water Dinner: Three grains cornmeal, broiled WEDNESDAY Breakfast: Shredded Egg Shell Skin Lunch: One-half Dozen Poppy Seeds Dinner: Bee's Knees and Mosquito Knuckles Sauted in Vinegar THURSDAY Breakfast: Boiled-Out Stains of Old Table Cloth Lunch: Belly Button of a Naval Orange Dinner: Three Eyes from Irish Potato (diced) FRIDAY Breakfast: Two Lobster Antennas Lunch: One Tail Joint of Sea Horse Dinner: Rotisserie Broiled Guppy Fillet SATURDAY Breakfast: Four Chopped Banana Seeds Lunch: Broiled Butterfly Liver Dinner: Jelly Vertebrae a la Centipede SUNDAY Breakfast: Pickled Humming Bird Tongue Lunch: Prime Rib of Tadpole; Aroma of Empty Custard Pie Plate Dinner: Tossed Paprika and Clover Leaf Salad NOTE: A seven-ounce glass of steam may be consumed on alternate days to help in having something to blow off. HENRICI'S 67 W. RANDOLPH ST. Chicago's Most Famous Restaurant Where Elegance in Dining is a Tradition Since 1868 Superior Food, Pastries and Cocktails Private Dining Room Facilities. Visit our 1868 Cocktail Lounge |