Dedicating Monument at Tenino, Wash.
Series A.-Oregon Trail; 16
Cards, 20 Cents.
Series B.- Indian Chiefs, etc.,
16 Cards, Postpaid, 25 Cents.
Series C.-16 Fancy Colored
Cards illustrating trip, with
map of old Oregon Trail,
Postpaid, 30 Cents.
Room 1214, 35 Nassau St., N.Y.
The Ezra Meeker Historical Post Cards for
Schools, Libraries, the Home
and Collectors.
This beautiful typical scene of sec-
ond growth evergreen with the heavy
forest in background, the school chil-
dren in foreground, and little stone
monument in the exact track of the
old Trail, was an inspiring sight; mon-
ument provided for by citizens of vil-
lage of Tenino, 16 miles from Olympia,
the capital of the Evergreen State;
on line of Northern Pacific Railway.