
'Ye Olde Curiosity Shop Beats the Dickens'


Stock #:225816
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Seattle
State: Washington (WA)
County: King
Publisher: Chnor Quality Views
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Look for the whale jaw bone 21 1/2 feet long. Headquarters for Indian and Eskimo masks, Alaska moccasins; pipes, arrow points; spears and curios. Indian Totem Poles, all sizes; Indian-made ivory carvings; Netsukes; Alaska Fossil Ivory jewelry, and baskets. Necklaces and relics. Sea Shells and Corals. Thousands of curios from every land and sea. Museums Supplied. Pictured: hat worn by Chief Seattle, ivory tusk of Alaska Norwhale, prehistoric Alaska elephant-10 ft. ivory tusk, stone olive oil mill-Calif. 1769, giant clam shells-pair weigh 500 lbs., Navajo Indian wool rugs-Mexzerapas, rare walrus skull-3 tusks

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