Chimney Corner Inn


Stock #:229129
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Stamford
State: Connecticut (CT)
County: Fairfield
Publisher: Brookside Press
Postmark: 1949 Aug-15
Postmark City: Saratoga Springs
Postmark State: NM
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Mrs ROSE BELLERUE
1019 CASS
La Crosse, WI

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Accepted by the discriminating people of Connecticut and teh nearby New York as one of New England's finest Inns. Where folks enjoy excellent food and the society of their friends and neighbors in the hospitable atmosphere of an Early American Inn. Luncheon-Dinner. Early American Tap Room

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