
Escaped Trusty Robert Dye No. 9269


Stock #:230478
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: Lansing
State: Kansas (KS)
County: Leavenworth
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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$25 Reward Received June 15, 1948 from Douglas County to a term of 15 years for the crime of Burglary 2nd Deg. and Grand Larceny, Habitual. Escaped August 26, 1953. Description: White man, age 40, born Missouri, eyes blue, hair brown, build medium, ht. 5-10, wgt. 160, occ. Electrician and Welder. Marks & Scars: 1, 11 clear, 111 high forehead Reward will be paid for the arrest and delivery of this man in any jail in the United States to an authorized officer of this institution. arrest, hold and wire. Charles A. Edmondson, Warden Kansas State Penitentiary

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