
Reward, escaped trusty, James E. Duke


Stock #:230479
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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Received Sept. 9, 1937 from Pottawatomie County, to a term of life for burglary 2nd - habitual. Escaped Jan. 22, 1946. Description: Negro, age 46, comp. drk. brn. hari bld. eyes mar. height 5 ft 10 in. weight 158 lbs. build med. born Kansas occup. chauffeur. Marks & Scars I - Vac cic upr otr, 8 ct cics acros lwr inr. II - clear III - lng ct cic on neck back of lft eye, ct. cic on throat rt side, 2 ct cics on throat lft side, gld drn upr frt ctr

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