No'th Ca'lina Poem


Stock #:23297
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Publisher: Asheville Post Card Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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As soon as you get to No'th Ca'lina The roads and the towns get newah, finah, The people walk with a brisker step And even your motor has more pep, The hookworm's banished, the country has A lot more energy, pep and jazz, The Livest Northerner couldn't design a Livelier State than No'th Ca'lina. The farms look fatter, the Hamlets ain't Quite ignorant of the sight of paint, They're building roads, and they're not content With sand and clay, but they use cement. And the schools look good, and the mills are busy And each inhabitant owns a Lizzie Or a big twin-six or smoething finah, As soon as you get to No'th Ca'lina. This State's not dreaming of days gone by, There's a modern glint in each mortal's eye, And the village belles and the village beaux Are as smartly dressed as the crowd which flows On Gotham's streets. You must give 'em credit, These folks are fully awake, you said it. You meet the "Boostah"; you lose the "Whinah," As soon as you get to No'th Ca'lina.

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