Midway Tourist Colony


Stock #:242915
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Melbourne
State: Florida (FL)
County: Brevard
Size: 3.75" x 6" (10 x 15.25 cm)

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Cottages of two bedrooms, living room, bath, kitchen and screen porch. South end of city on U.S. No. 1; directly on Indian River - over 75 acres; rated 98%, 1934 by Florida Hotel Commission; 150 cottages with or without private baths and toilets; Simmons furniture - Beauty Rest mattresses. Overnight, weekly, monthly or season guests; free swimming pool; free dancing; music by paid orchestra four nights a week; shuffleboards, horseshoe courts; 1400 foot fishing pier; men's club, women's club, camp store, and - "It's a clean camp with a real community atmosphere."

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