Automotive Building of the Great Lakes Exposition

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $4.95
Original Price: $8.95

Stock #:249442
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Cleveland
State: Ohio (OH)
County: Cuyahoga
Publisher: The Sapirstein Greeting Card Co.
Postmark: 1936 Jul-21
Postmark City: Cleveland
Postmark State: OH
Stamp: 1c
Philatelic Notes: Cancel slogan: Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Ask your Postmaster
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Helen Lycett
231 Cambridge
Buffalo, NY

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Presents a gigantic panorama of transportation. The building, 541 feet by 228 feet in size consists of two long buildings. The space between the two buildings forms an interior landscaped exhibition court. Surrounding the structure at the entrance are 32 gigantic pylons 70 feet high, each one mounted by a steel flagpole another 30 feet high, from which are flown gay flags and banners

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