Port-O-Call Motel

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $5.95
Original Price: $8.95

Stock #:263587
Type: Large Format Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Nanaimo
State: British Columbia (BC)
Country: Canada
Publisher: Ken Lapp & Associates Ltd
Size: 4" x 8.5" (10.25 x 21.5 cm)
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Port-O-Call Motel is locate in the hub city of Nanaimo; a pleasant 68 mile drive south to Victoria, British Columbia's capitol city, and an equally comfortable drive north to Courtenay, Campbell River and Port Hardy, passing through the resort areas of Parksville, Qualicum Beachy and the oyster rich beaches of Fanny Bay and Nanoose Bay. Port Alberni, Long Beach and Tofino are within 'day return' distance of Port-O-Call. Newcastle and Gabriola Islands protect the harbor or Nanaimo. There is frequent ferry service the year around to these islands

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