Fuji Hikoki MXY-7 “OHKA Suicide Bomb”
Engine: Three-barrel solid-propellant rocket of 1500 lbs. thrust
Top Speed: 615 mph (in attack
Span: 16 ft. 5 in.
dive w/rocket power)
Length: 19 ft. 10 in.
Range: 55 miles from release
Height: 3 ft. 1012 in.
at 27,000 ft.
The OHKA (Cherry Blossom) was a Japanese suicide weapon used
in combat during the closing months of WWII. Designed primarily for
use against ships, it was particularly effective against U.S. Naval
Forces during the invasion of Okinawa in April 1945. On display at
the AF Museum, W-PAFB, Ohio, it was brought to the U.S. following
WWII for technical evaluation.
Pub. by Mastercraft Printers, Dayton, Ohio 45404
Color by Color Separations, Inc., Dayton