Valenti's Restaurant
Additional Details:
"In Miami It's Valenti's", established 1939. Nationally and Internationally known for the "World's Finest Italian Food." Don't miss dining with us while you are in Miami. 2 minute drive from the Venetian Causeway. Owned and operated by: Charles J. Valenti. 1300 N.W. 7th Avenue Dexter Press, Inc |
Reviews, Comments & Questions:
2022-02-09 11:58:54 -
Bonjour,my name is Yves,I am French,I used to work at you restaurant in 1970!!!!,Mr and Mrs Valenti had 2 sons Charles and i dont remenber the name of the yougest son,the bartender was John born in Cuba and he took part to the D Day in Normandy,I remember a waiter Georges born in east USA and he spoke french without the slightest accent,je garde un excellent souvenir de vous
2022-05-28 15:16:36 -
I am now 73 and when I was about 4 or 5 years old my parents would take me to Valenti's for a pizza and their FAMOUSLY DELICIOUS bread sticks. I can still taste those bread sticks, dripping in olive oil and garlic and large salt on the bread..... My mouth is graving those bread sticks.
My dad would park and go in and get the pizza w/bread sticks and my mother and I would sit in the car and wait. The Regal Beer sign would be lighting the street. What a wonderful memory.