The Plaza Theater


Stock #:270018
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Lindsborg
State: Kansas (KS)
County: McPherson
Publisher: R.L. Miller
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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A gaudy Main Street movie house for nearly fifty years, it now displays twice life-size Swedish figures in the garb of early Provincial farmers. Such clothing, characterized by candy-striped skirts and aprons for women and chamois breeches for men, is still worn in the homeland today on certain church holidays, to weddings, and special family and community gatherings. Bethany College art students Tim Leaf and Ron Wilson were commissioned by the Smoky Valley Development Assn. to redecorate the upper facade and portray their interpretation of traditional costuming, accented by Kurbitsblommor foillage. Completed on Aug. 16, 1981, this mural uniquely compliments the Art Decco tilework of the original entrance and lobby, and is the focal highlight of the town's colorful shopping area

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