
Portrait of Emperor Shah Jehan, with view of the Taj Mahal


Stock #:271548
Type: Postcard
Country: India
Postmark: 1911 Aug-17
Postmark City: St. Louis
Postmark State: MO
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:MRS. R. B. ECKLES
Aplingt0N, IA
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The Taj, Tomb of Mumtazi-i-Mahal, built by the Emperor Shah Jehan.[Portrait] from an ivory miniature, Born A.D. 1592m died 1666. Famed for his Peacock Throne, blazing in the shifting natural colors of rubies, sapphires and emeralds; valued by Tavernier at $32,500,000. But the Emperor is now more famous as the Builder of The Taj, that incomparable monument to his Empress. The days of Oriental splendor are past and India is now a land of commercial activity. India Tea now links that ancient land of mystery and romance with this new world of the West, for India Tea, the best the world produces, can now be had in the most remote towns and villages in the United States. India Tea is sold by:-

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