Sunrise Boulevard and Intracoastal Waterway
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
Open 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Phone (305) 564-3246
The Restaurant contains 5 dining rooms and our
beautiful Fantasy Lounge. Our new All Faiths
Chapel and Jade Room seats 100 people, has a
large collection of Chinese Jade contained in two
cabinets made from Chinese Wedding beds that
are over 1,000 years old. All objet d'art in the
Chapel are precious antiques. The Jade room is
available for banquets and the chapel is available
for small weddings. Ample parking for yachts or
automobiles, Service is excellent. One of the finest"
restaurants in America. All the food is good and
the “World's Best Apple Pie” is served. Cocktails
are recommended in our Fantasy Lounge.*
Southern style cooking. All foods prepared and
cooked in our own kitchen. Hot rolls and pastry
made in our own bake shop. Unusually large
variety of foods to choose from. Recommended by,
everybody as America's showplace.