Paradise Valley KOA Kampground


Stock #:280193
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Livingston
State: Montana (MT)
County: Park
Artist: Wm. A. Fowler
Publisher: Mike Roberts Color Productions
Postmark: 1980 Jul-15
Postmark State: WY
Stamp: 10c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:MRS. EDITH VAN HEEST
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

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Ten miles south of Livingston on either Highway 89 or East River Road, take Yellowstone Park exit from Interchange. Watch for signs. Located 40 minutes from Yellowstone Park - 15 minutes from natural hot springs swimming. Fabulous trout fishing. Your hosts - The Ray and Larry Durgans and the John Howells

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