Golden Anniversary of Historic Route 1


Stock #:291803
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Fort Kent
State: Maine (ME)
County: Aroostook
Postmark: 1972 Aug-7
Postmark City: Fort Kent
Postmark State: FL
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Northern Terminus of Historical Route 1.
Settled 1829
Pop. 4,787 - Alt. 530 Ft.
Zip 04743

Golden Anniversary of Historic Route 1.
Completed in 1922 to the mainland and
Linking Key West, FLA.
Ending in Ft. Kent, ME.

Key West, Florida
Sesqui-centennial year
Pop: 33,956 Alt: 5 Ft.
Zip 33040

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