
Emery, Bird, Thayer Co


Stock #:294680
Type: Postcard
Era: Undivided Back
City: Saxony
Country: England
Postmark City: Chemintz
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Having completed his purchases in this and other foreign markets, our Mr. Sheppard wishes to announce the following important facts. Our "Hand Maid Thorowear" hosiery will be more attractive than ever. By working personally with the leading manufacturers we have secured not only the best materials obtainable, but have incorporated many new and important features. We will show the sheerest gauze lisles ever produced, which with extra re-enforcing will insure excellent service. Many numbers in the line will be hand finished and all of our French lisles and fine cottons will be hand seamed. Prices will range from 25 cts. per pair for fine cotton or lisle thread to $25.00 for the latest creations in hand embroidered silks. Remember our guarantee - "Satisfaction with every pair." We earnestly solicit inspection and comparison of the goods upon arrival

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