BLUE ANGEL-FISH (Angelichthys isabelita)
HABITAT: Florida Keys, Bermuda (Common).
HABITS: Omnivorous, food consists chiefly of
crustaceans. Lives among the coral reefs, and is
very conspicuous among them. A very good food
fish. Takes the hook, and traps quickly. Lower Left.
BLACK ANGEL-FISH (Pomacanthus arcuatus)
HABITAT: New Jersey, West Indies south to
Bahia. Very common in Florida.
HABITS: Omnivorous, feeding for the greater
part on crustaceans. Lives among the coral reefs,
and is one of the most beautiful of reef dwellers.
The young have yellow bands. Upper Right.
FRENCH ANGEL-FISH (Pomacanthus paru)
HABITAT: Florida, West Indies south to Bahia.
HABITS: Omnivorous, feeds mostly on small
crustaceans. Is not as common as the other species,
but more beautiful. Reaches a foot or more in length.
Not considered a good food fish. Lower Right.
ROCK BEAUTY (Holacanthus tricolor)
HABITAT: Florida (rare), Bermuda, West Indies
south to Bahia.
HABITS: Lives in the deeper parts of coral reefs.
Is most difficult to trap. Feeds on small crusta-
ceans. Upper Figure.
Miami Aquarium Association, 1920