Robert Cleeland's Sons

Original Vintage Card
Sale Price: $4.95
Original Price: $7.95

Stock #:298913
Type: Postcard
Era: Divided Back
Postmark: 1910 Dec-27
Postmark City: Philadelphia
Postmark State: PA
Stamp: 1c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Series 3518
This card shows our famous utility rugs on the floor of the room. We make them from table oil cloth and spruce fibre. Borders of red, blue, orange, brown or green. Terms: 4% 60 days, f.o.b. Philadelphia. They come in bales of 50 of each color, less shipped if desired. These rugs are fast colors. For the porch, kitchen or bathroom, they have no equal. 1121 to 1131 Waverly St., Philadelphia, Pa

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