Bearcat Glass Gallery


Stock #:303453
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
City: Crescent City
State: Florida (FL)
County: Putnam
Publisher: C.Y.P.P.
Postmark: Apr-10
Postmark City: Jacksonville
Postmark State: FL
Stamp: 14c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:Ray Elman
29 Nepang St
Hartford, CT 06106

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BEARCAT GLASS GALLERY 125 Central Avenue Crescent City, Florida 32012 (904) 698-2430 The historic "SPRAGUE HOUSE" is the new home for Barry & Elaine Nord's glass and art gallery. Located within a block of the public access to Crescent Lake this 27 room house was originally built in 1892 as a hotel. Famous guests signing the official register have included Theodore Roosevelt, Booker T. Washington and William H. Taft. During the renovation our new glass art gallery will be located in the front lobby area. Please call or visit with us soon

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