A Special Invitation From T.G.I. Friday's - The American Bistro


Stock #:303726
Type: Postcard
Era: Chrome
Postmark: 1989 Jul-21
Postmark City: Staten Island
Postmark State: NY
Stamp: 15c
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
Recipient Address:550 Manor Rd.
S. I., NY 10314

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T.G.I. Friday's 105 Mill Road Staten Island, NY 10508 is cordially inviting you to join us for lunch or dinner as we train our employees prior to our opening. Reservations and details can be obtained by calling (718) 667-3842 We look forward to seeing you there. Dennis Riese Riese New York - A Licensed Franchise

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