Chicken in the Rough


Stock #:307864
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Publisher: Curt Teich & Co.
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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FRIED 1/2 CHICKEN SERVED UNJOINTED WITHOUT SILVERWARE Every bite a tender delight I'LL GLADLY BE FRIED FOR CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH Lots of Shoestring Potatoes Jug Honey and Hot Buttered Rolls. A $100.00 cash prize will be awarded to the first person who eats CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH in as many as 25 places listed on our PLACE MAT or CARRY-OUT CARTON over a period of six months, beginning January 1 to July 1 and July 1 to January 1. Mail one of the CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH POST CARDS, which may be obtained from the cashier, to the home office, BEVERLY'S CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH, 209 West Grand, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Each POST CARD mailed must be signed and dated by the owner, manager or other authorized person, of each restaurant, and Beverly Osborne reserved the right to be sole judge in issuance of this award. We ate at __________ City ____ State ____

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