Elk Rexall Drug Store


Stock #:309820
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
City: Tucumcari
State: New Mexico (NM)
County: Quay
Publisher: Alfred Mccarr
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Elk Rexall Drug Store (Est. 1906) TUCUMCARI, NEW MEXICO Downtown on U.S. City Route 54-- Only museum in the world with Drug Store in connection. Displaying over 5000 authentic cattle brands--and 17,000 museum items gathered from the Old Romantic Territorial West, home of the First Spanish Settlers--and stomping ground of Geronimo. Owned by Drug Store Cowboy Herman Moncus. Headquarters for the biggest bunch of Bull Shippers in the world. SEE GHOST OF THE WEST "From The Land of Enchantment"

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