Dramatic True Stories From the Great West - The Bogus Baron


Stock #:310725
Type: Postcard
Era: Linen
Publisher: C.T. Art Colortone
Philatelic Notes: Bullseye Cancel
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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BOGUS BARON by Oren Arnold One day in the 1880's a man dressed as a magnificent CABALLERO rode into Arizona and said he owned 12,000,000 rich acres, inherited as an old Spanish land grant. The U. S. Government investigated his papers--and backed up his claim. Forthwith he made people pay for living on his land. One railroad paid him $50,000, a mine paid a like amount; every firm and individual had to pay heavy fees to this fellow--"Baron James Addison de Peralta-Reavis. But one day an Arizona printer happened to see his documents of inheritance. One paper, dated 1748, was printed in a type not even invented until 1875! Thus the great baron tumbled, and went to prison. But he had already collected a fortune, made himself internationally famous, had traveled the world over, and owned four mansions. His bogus barony still ranks as the most gigantic swindle in American history. DRAMATIC TRUE STORIES FROM THE Great West

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