
Park Hotel (Formerly Chambon Hotel)


Stock #:312583
Type: Postcard
Era: White Border
City: Socorro
State: New Mexico (NM)
County: Socorro
Publisher: B.R. Montgomery
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)
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G.M. Brass Jr., owner New Mexico's historical and interesting landmark. Socorro, New Mexico New Mexico is rich in tradition. Cabeza de Baca was the first European to visit Socorro, in 1500, and was afterwards followed in 1536 by Alonza del Castillo and Estevancio, a negro. Coronado afterwards found traces of him on the Pecos River. Cabeza de Baca, Alonzo del Castillo, Estevancio Coronado, Fr. Marcos Deniza, Hernado de Alvarado, Francisco Ibarro, Augustin Droguiz, Antonio Espejo, Don Diego de Vargas, and all other Spanish explorers passed up the Rio Grande through Socorro. In 1541 Coronado began his memorable march in search of the far famed Gran Quivera, 60 miles N.E. of Socorro. In 1626 Fathers Artiaga and Zuniga introduced and planted the first mission grapes and made the first wine. In 1692 de Vargas occupied one of the rooms of what is now Mt. Carmel Convent. The present church of San Miguel was rebuilt in 1750. The Park Hotel (Chambon Hotel) was built in 1836. Here a great deal of New Mexico's early political history was made. Carlsbad Cavern-Petrified Forest-White Mountains and Grand Canyon are reached by the highways through Socorro

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