North Side of Main Street in "Rebuilt Schoenbrunn"


Stock #:316754
Type: Postcard
Era: Real Photo
City: New Philadelphia
State: Ohio (OH)
County: Tuscarawas
Size: 3.5" x 5.5" (9 x 14 cm)

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Schoenbrunn State Memorial. The first settlement in Ohio. Schoenbrunn, meaning "beautiful spring," the first organized town in Ohio, was settled on May 3, 1772, by David Zeisberger, a Moravian Missionary, and a small company of Christian Indians. Here were established the first Protestant church and shool north and west of the Ohio River. Here, also, was adopted a code of rules or laws which might be termed, "Ohio's First Civil Code." Schoenbrunn attained, at its height, a population of 414 inhabitants. In the year 1777 these peaceful folk were driven out by a band of warring Munsees (Monseys) and their town completely destroyed. Restoration of the village was begun by the Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society in 1927

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