Bay Bridge
Total length, 81/4 miles.
Length over water, 41/2 miles.
Width 66 feet, center to center of
Total cost, $77,200,000.
Longest single span, 2310 feet.
Height of towers, 474 to 519 feet.
Deepest pier, 235 feet, average.
Largest pier, 92 x 197 feet.
Number of piers, 51.
Vehicle facilities, autos and trains.
Steel used, 200.000 tons.
Cable wire weight, 18.500 tons.
Cable wire length, 70.815 miles.
Size of cables, 2834 inches.
Number of wires, 17.464 strands.
Concrete, 1.000.000 cubic yards.
Tension in one cable, 40,000,000
Pull at anchorage, 80.000.000 pounds.
Paint, 200,000 gallons.
Excavation, 6.038.000 cubic yards.
Man hours, 54.850,000.
Annual auto capacity, 24.000.000.
Annual truck capacity, 6,000,000.
Annual train passengers, 50.000.000.
Travel lanes, nine, plus two car
Work started, July 9, 1933.
Completion date, Fall, 1936.